Code of Conduct

We adhere to the code of conduct of Netherlands ICT.

Code of Conduct

eValue8 is a member of Netherlands ICT. We adhere to the code of conduct of Netherlands ICT.

eValue8 is memeber of NLDigital

A good reputation, reliability, and trust are essential prerequisites for a professional and successful ICT sector. That's why eValue8 is affiliated with Netherlands ICT. Netherlands ICT is the industry association for over 550 IT, telecom, internet, and office companies in the Netherlands. Netherlands ICT places great importance on maintaining and enhancing the reputation and integrity of the companies associated with it. We endorse and adhere to the Code of Conduct of Netherlands ICT.

You can download the Code of Conduct of Netherlands ICT here. If desired, we can send you a printed copy free of charge.

Gedragscode Nederland ICT (pdf)
Code of Conduct Netherlands ICT (pdf)