Terms & Conditions
eValue8 BV uses the General Terms and Conditions of Nederland ICT

eValue8 BV uses the General Terms and Conditions of NLDigital for all offers and agreements. NLDigital is the industry association of 550 IT, telecom, internet and office companies in the Netherlands. The general terms and conditions contain rules for contact between suppliers and clients in the provision of products/services in areas such as IT, SaaS, office technology and the development of software and websites. NLDigital Conditions are the successor to the ICT~Office and The Netherlands ICT Conditions.
The NLDigital/Netherlands ICT conditions 2014 have been filed with the Chamber of Commerce under number 30174840. You can download the conditions below. If desired, we will send you a paper copy free of charge.
Nederland ICT Voorwaarden 2014 (pdf)
Netherlands ICT Conditions 2014 (pdf)