eValue8 B.V. has been ISO 27001 certified since 2022

Legal and Regulatory Compliance
Technology is evolving rapidly. This leads to increasing possibilities, but also greater risks. eValue8 approaches this matter with great awareness. eValue8 operates on the premise that risks can be managed, processes can always be improved, and information security must always be in place. This requires legal frameworks, verifiable procedures, organizational involvement, as well as a flexible and modern approach. Therefore, eValue8 has been adhering to the standards of ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 for many years.
Quality Management and Information Security
Since 2022, eValue8 has been officially certified for ISO 27001. Our certification demonstrates that eValue8 complies with relevant laws and regulations and international standards for quality management and information security. The certificate ensures streamlined processes and the confidential and integral handling of (privacy-sensitive) data, as well as the security of the solutions we provide.
Information Security Scope
ISO/IEC 27001 is the international standard for information security. Our ISO 27001 certification encompasses various aspects of information security, ensuring that we take every necessary measure to protect our clients' data. The certificate shows that our organization meets all requirements and has implemented appropriate measures concerning:
"Information security in the development, management, delivery, configuration, and maintenance of online applications (SaaS services) and supporting hardware and software, as well as in the provision of support and consultancy services related to these."
Quality and Safety
We consider certification to be an important step in our service to our customers. It is not the endpoint for us. We continue to work constantly to improve the quality of our processes and the safety of our services. Our systems, processes, and solutions are continuously audited through internal and external assessments.